Ghi chú và tham khảo Kế_hoạch_Thế_kỷ_nước_Mỹ_mới

  1. Các nguồn sau đề cập tới hoặc phân loại PNAC như là một tổ chức tân bảo thủ:
  2. First Impressions, Second Thoughts: Reflections on the Changing Role of Think Tanks in U.S. Foreign Policy Lưu trữ 2012-11-30 tại Wayback Machine, Abelson, Critical Issues of Our Time, v.8, Center for American Studies, University of Western Ontario, 2011
  3. Running the World: The Inside Story of the National Security Council and the Architects of American Power, David Rothkopf, PublicAffairs, 2006
  4. Trang chủ của Kế hoạch Thế kỷ nước Mỹ mới, accessed ngày 4 tháng 3 năm 2015.
  5. "About PNAC",, n.d., accessed ngày 30 tháng 5 năm 2007: "Established in the spring of 1997, the Project for the New American Century is a non-profit, educational organization whose goal is to promote American global leadership. The Project was an initiative of the New Citizenship Project (501c3); the New Citizenship Project's chairman is William Kristol and its president is Gary Schmitt."
  6. Tuyên bố về các nguyên tắc của Kế hoạch Thế kỷ nước Mỹ mới:
  7. United States Foreign Policy and National Identity in the 21st Century, Kenneth Christie (ed.), Routledge, 2008
  8. 1 2 Max Boot, "Neocons", Foreign Policy No. 140 (January - February 2004), pp. 20-22+24+26+28
  9. Parmar, Inderjeet (2008). “Chapter 3: A Neo-Conservative-Dominated US Foreign Policy Establishment?”. Trong Christie, Kenneth (biên tập). United State Foreign Policy and National Identity in the 21st Century. Routledge. tr. 46. ISBN 978-0-415-57357-3.
    • "The PNAC's 33 leaders were highly connected with the American state - displaying 115 such connections: 27 with the Department of Defense, 13 with State, 12 with the White House, 10 with the [[National Security Council (United States)|]], and 23 with Congress."
    • "The PNAC may be considered strongly integrated into the political and administrative machinery of US power; certainly, it is not an outsider institution in this regard."
  10. Funabashi, Yichi (2007). The Peninsula Question: A Chronicle of the Second Korean Nuclear Crisis. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution. ISBN 0-8157-3010-1.
    • "Of the twenty-five signatories of the PNAC's Statement of Principles... ten went on to serve in the George W. Bush administration, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz, among others."
  11. Stelzer, Irwin (2004). Neoconservatism. London: Atlantic Books. tr. 5.
    • (on PNAC, founded by Kristol): "Its other founders included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Elliot Abrams, all of whom were destined for key positions in the Bush administration - with the exception of Kristol."
    • "No one can doubt that PNAC was an important contributor to the Bush administration's foreign policy. To suggest, however, that it is a part of some secret effort to overthrow traditional American foreign policy is not true."
  12. Hammond, Phillip. Media, War and Postmodernity.
    • "Critics have made much of the fact that US actions after 9/11 seemed to follow neoconservative thinking on foreign and security policy formulated before Bush took office," p. 72.
    • "In particular, Rebuilding American Defenses... is often cited as evidence that a blueprint for American domination of the world was implemented under of cover of the War on Terrorism," p. 72.
  13. Parmar, Inderjeet (2008). “Chapter 3: A Neo-Conservative-Dominated US Foreign Policy Establishment?”. Trong Christie, Kenneth (biên tập). United States Foreign Policy and National Identity in the 21st Century (PDF). New York and London: Routledge. tr. 49. Bản gốc (PDF) lưu trữ ngày 25 tháng 4 năm 2019. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 4 năm 2019.
    • "It is often argued that the neo-cons hijacked the Bush administration - particularly through the influence of PNAC."
  14. Grondin, David (2005). “Mistaking Hegemony for Empire: Neoconservatives, the Bush Doctrine, and the Democratic Empire”. International Journal. 61 (1).
    • "There can be no question that the September 2002 'National security strategy of the United States of America,' announcing a Bush doctrine predicated upon military prevention, regime change, and enhanced defence spending, has been heavily influenced by neoconservative writings. Among these have been works published under the aegis of the 'Project for a new American century,' including Rebuilding America's Defenses (by Donald Kagan, Gary Schmitt, and Thomas Donnelly), and Present Dangers: Crisis and Opportunity in American Foreign and Defense Policy (by William Kristol and Robert Kagan)." pages 231-232.
  15. Parmar, Inderjeet (2008). “Chapter 3: A Neo-Conservative-Dominated US Foreign Policy Establishment?”. Trong Christie, Kenneth (biên tập). United State Foreign Policy and National Identity in the 21st Century. Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy. Routledge. tr. 49.
  16. Hammond, Phillip. Media, War and Postmodernity.
  17. Abelson, Donald E (2006). Capitol Idea: Think Tanks and US Foreign Policy. McGill-Queen's University Press. tr. 218–219. ISBN 978-0773531154. Truy cập ngày 25 tháng 4 năm 2019.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 Ryan, Maria. Neoconservatism and the New American Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0-230-10467-3. Truy cập ngày 2 tháng 3 năm 2015.
  19. Kristol, William; Kagan, Robert (ngày 1 tháng 7 năm 1996). “Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy”. Foreign Affairs.
  20. Terror and Territory: The Spatial Extent of Sovereignty, Stuart Elden, Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2009, p.15

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